The moment scatters. Motionless, I stay and go: I am a pause ~Octavio Paz

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


He still moves me at will...
As if w/ intimate knowing...uncompromised sowing
As if my breathless layers remain devoted to his mystical tastes...aroused solely by his gilded textures
As if his determined purpose remains revealed in tender oceans of deep whisper that could betray his self contained swagger of impervious heart

As if he would give of himself to me...for the sake of me only...Warm hues of burgundy submerged in intoxicating mahogany kisses of caramel bliss that glisten w/in my coral soul through indigo inflected nights that authored my heart's sweetest sighs of sinful content

As if satiating my thirsts w/ the grace of dewdrops caressing midnight's secret harvests at dawn's awakening glow...compelling my soul to everwant...everseek...everneed copulation of his sublime rhythm's dark permeation
As if he moves through me w/ ease...a pureness of sultry soul unblemished by the impatient glances of time's encumbered demand
As if scintillating scents of passion's hunger still linger between us ever the more...moving me to move him...grow I know him
As if I ever truly know him...the rebellious man-child flourishing beneath endless gazes of venerate wonder impressed w/ his infinite well of resplendence...keeper of the most profound seductions unspoken, ruling over my heart's truest intentions intertwining

Because he is my truth...renewal everwinding

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