The moment scatters. Motionless, I stay and go: I am a pause ~Octavio Paz

Friday, October 28, 2011

deep breathing...

Dipping into mocha inflected kahlua compilations 
of cool warmth and confident swag,
highlighted by shy humility's appreciative gaze
The arrival of passionate precision's intention,
to submerge w/out fear into all that is breathless
Enchanting rhythms,
speak fluent w/ searing desire of heart's intercourse
to love's submission and time's compliant yearning
Assured Rest,
Sanctuary of profound depth,
able to bear the girth of disappointment's weary burden
An enduring embrace,
proficient to suppress
impulsive flights of torment's tears,
w/out asphyxiating heaven's aura 
of blissful prisms duality

1 comment:

  1. lovely, lovely.... your blog design is wonderful with all the images and excerpts along the right side, and I do like your original work like this poem here. Beautiful, Bella.
