The Unconditional Invitation...
An intricately embedded reservation to the heart's cultivation at the throne of Love's inaugurate...
Submersion into the deepest esoteric of Love's beguiling nucleus...
Benevolent Osmosis, it's sole determined importation...
Intimacy, the elusive seduction of it's entwining transparency...
Whispers of insight into the enduring gravity and compelling mysticism boldly beckon. A calling to be lived out within the journey of submission to it's uncompromising vision and unyielding compulsion to redefine the course and purpose of every breath exuded by it's timeless incarnation. It's formidable quality of subtle intrusion firmly rooted within a simple desire that wields it's complex hunger upon every fiber of thought and motion, that border on the sweet torture of madness to be satiated only by seamless nurture upon the ripened fruits of it's celestial rapture.
In humanity's adolescent struggle to pacify the birthmark of amorous intrigue, the essence of Love's perfect resilience has been redesigned as a corporal amalgamation of awkward oxymoron and crippling dichotomy within the syncopated rhythms of finite mortal experience.
Delineated to a raw craving independent of efficacious sustenance...
An acquirement void of responsibility to it's possessive awakening...
A gluttonous prevail sans the reciprocation of surrender...
A deceitful receiving depleted of commitment to immutable renewal...
A tactical choice to nourish with self serving rations of affection and stings of unrighteous purpose....
All the while self sabotaging in mercurial induced performance to an illusion of standing ovation under the guise of solitary completion... only to long in seclusion's travail for the liberty of soul full drowning. A constant yearning emphasized by mental burdens of nostalgia for the days of innocent wonder that preceded the nights of debauched indulgence, suppressed empathy and pseudo-intellectual enlightenment that were provoked by the blind reign of irrepressible narcissism.
Yet the sanctuary of Love's intensive bliss and the embrace of a warmth immortally compelling...
A security of divinely authored fulfillment, lies in wait for those courageous enough to yield...
to give...
to breathe...
for the sake of it's selfless gift...
the mercy of it's soul illuminating light...
the transcendence of it's ethereal kiss...
For Love, remains an omnipotent entity of steadfast benevolent virtue...
Incorruptible and immune to the egocentric evolution that is humanity's crutch...
And the Invitation to the breadth of it's undefiled purity remains, graciously Eternal.
An intricately embedded reservation to the heart's cultivation at the throne of Love's inaugurate...
Submersion into the deepest esoteric of Love's beguiling nucleus...
Benevolent Osmosis, it's sole determined importation...
Intimacy, the elusive seduction of it's entwining transparency...
Whispers of insight into the enduring gravity and compelling mysticism boldly beckon. A calling to be lived out within the journey of submission to it's uncompromising vision and unyielding compulsion to redefine the course and purpose of every breath exuded by it's timeless incarnation. It's formidable quality of subtle intrusion firmly rooted within a simple desire that wields it's complex hunger upon every fiber of thought and motion, that border on the sweet torture of madness to be satiated only by seamless nurture upon the ripened fruits of it's celestial rapture.
In humanity's adolescent struggle to pacify the birthmark of amorous intrigue, the essence of Love's perfect resilience has been redesigned as a corporal amalgamation of awkward oxymoron and crippling dichotomy within the syncopated rhythms of finite mortal experience.
Delineated to a raw craving independent of efficacious sustenance...
An acquirement void of responsibility to it's possessive awakening...
A gluttonous prevail sans the reciprocation of surrender...
A deceitful receiving depleted of commitment to immutable renewal...
A tactical choice to nourish with self serving rations of affection and stings of unrighteous purpose....
All the while self sabotaging in mercurial induced performance to an illusion of standing ovation under the guise of solitary completion... only to long in seclusion's travail for the liberty of soul full drowning. A constant yearning emphasized by mental burdens of nostalgia for the days of innocent wonder that preceded the nights of debauched indulgence, suppressed empathy and pseudo-intellectual enlightenment that were provoked by the blind reign of irrepressible narcissism.
Yet the sanctuary of Love's intensive bliss and the embrace of a warmth immortally compelling...
A security of divinely authored fulfillment, lies in wait for those courageous enough to yield...
to give...
to breathe...
for the sake of it's selfless gift...
the mercy of it's soul illuminating light...
the transcendence of it's ethereal kiss...
For Love, remains an omnipotent entity of steadfast benevolent virtue...
Incorruptible and immune to the egocentric evolution that is humanity's crutch...
And the Invitation to the breadth of it's undefiled purity remains, graciously Eternal.
Poetic, lovely, beautiful. Thanks for sharing!